Logo Tag Brush


This project was completed using Adobe Photoshop. I took the logo I had created previously and created a tag brush out of it. This idea was a very fun one to see through. It allowed me much more freedom in my logo design than I had before. It also changed the aesthetic and feel of the logo. Whereas before the simple lines and precise construction gave a very minimalist and clean look, the added textures and color creates a much more creative and inviting feel.

While I love the new look I created using this particular logo, I feel that these textures take away from the original design in some aspects. The gradients and clean lines from the original logo are lost in the color, multiple layers, and layered textures. I feel that this technique would be better suited for a simpler design. I plan on refining my personal logo, experimenting with existing designs I have previously created, and using the tag brush technique to my advantage. This project has definitely pushed me to incorporate similar designs/signatures into my future work.


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